Wednesday, 21 December 2011

We are all padawan

I did not know what padawan was until my guitar teacher referred to my lesson as 'class for young padawan' 2 days ago.At first, it sounded like kadazan or pahlawan to me. So I looked up in the dictionary and found the meaning in the urban dictionary (again).

When you call someone as padawan,  it means that someone is learning something to be good as you are. Originally it was used to refer to a Jedi pupil in Star Wars. I have watched Star Wars before but hardly remember what it is about. Well, that is how words in urban dictionary come from. I personally find those words interestingly cool.

Anyway, no matter what we do in life, the best of doing it is to do it better and better everyday. 'To live today better than yesterday' applies to all aspects of life.

Personally, I have several things on top of my list I wish I can make it better very single day.

1. Relationship with Allah: Deep in my hart I really want to have very close relationship with Allah because I know He is The King of Universe. He Owns and Controls every single thing on the earth. Only Allah we ask help from and we should believe when He says 'Ask for anything, I will answer your prayers'. Isn't sweet? He is The Most Kind and Most Gracious that if we prays for something we will get it as long as we follow what Allah asks us to do.  There are 3 ways of how Allah give us the answers.

  • He answers our prayers.
  • Not yet answered.
  • He has a better plan for us. 
How we shall believe these? 'I am of what you think of Me'. If we put a positive mindset about Allah and believe with our heart everything He says in Quran , then positive thing is what we get in return. Then the rest of the things we wish for insyaAllah will be granted.

2. Personal development :I am so impressed with those whose life are dedicated to others and give impact to their life in a positive manner. Their attributions can be anything. Pearls of wisdom, brilliant ideas,lectures or talks on inviting others to remembrance of Allah, financial helps, a caring and concerned friend, being charismatic, motivations,et cetera.

I dont mean it to be living for the sake of other people, but I believe it is how we are supposed to live, in a different. The purpose of living is one. To worship Allah or in other words, to please Allah. And of the ways is to live by contributing to others. 'You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind' 3:110. 

The best people  here mean those those who can influence or give good deed to others. And how we reach that stage is to change ourselves first. Islam taught us a lot on tazkiyah nafsiah (cleaning ourselves) from negative thoughts,bad deeds, astray from the Creator and replace it with positive attitudes, correct creed, right life philosophy. a complete way of life. 

I am still looking forward to improving myself and having positive attitudes everyday. To be firm and confident, focused on what I am doing, be hardworking and organized, calm and responsible with my own self. Not to let obscuring, doubt, and fear get in my way to the great achievements.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Daripada gale-force wind hingga ke Hurricane Bawbag

Hari ini bumi Scotland (terutamanya) dan Ireland dilanda taufan yang paling dasyat dalam sejarah. Hampir semua sekolah ditutup, semua jambatan dan banyak jalan raya ditutup, servis bas dan keretapi dibatalkan. Bukan tu je,banjir pun join memeriahkan lagi bencana alam kali ni terutama kawasan dekat-dekat dengan tasik dan laut sampai tenggelam separuh kereta-kereta yang tak bernasib baik ter'parking' di situ.


Tetapi aku tetap gagah berjalan merentas angin kencang untuk ke hospital (10 minit jalan belakang rumah jek) sebab kena jumpa supervisor. Dan aku selamat dan tidak terbang ditiup angin dalam perjalanan balik petang tadi. Oh, aku join update status malam.

Aku tidak terkecuali untuk jadi orang yang cuba update berita pasal taufan ni. Maka keluarlah beberapa vocab baru kat berita BBC lalu aku pun google la ape maksudnya.

1.  Gale-force wind

Aku ingatkan unit baru untuk angin, tetapi gale tu refer pada bacaaan kelajuan tertentu dalam Beaufort scale. Dengan erti lainnya refer pada very strong wind. Well,it was gale-force wind this morning but it worsened and had become hurricane. Gale juga boleh digunakan dalam konteks gelak terbahak-bahak  Eg:Gales of laughter.

2. Hurricane Bawbag.

Yang ni memang tak boleh blah. Bawbag tu kalau bukak urban dictionary (maksudnya bukan proper English ,at least not yet), bawbag ialah colloquial (local) term yang digunakan oleh rakyat tempatan Scotland yang membawa maksud bodoh,dungu dan tak guna.(useless,plain stupid person) Ia juga refer pada scrotum lelaki. Kiranya orang yang bongok tu ,tahap dungunya disamakan dengan male genital part yang kurang cantik tu. Kamus tu yang cakaplah.

Adoyai,siapalah yang mula menggunakan perkataan yang hodoh tu untuk menamakan taufan kali ni. Kiranya dorang menyumpah la sebab taufan dan angin kencang ni sangat teruk dan mengganggu aktiviti hidup dorang. Jeng jeng jeng. INI SALAH SATU PERBEZAAN ANTARA ORANG BERIMAN DAN TIDAK BERIMAN.

Orang beriman akan reflect taufan kali ini sebagai ujian atau tanda amaran atas kerosakan yang berlaku atas bumi ini oleh Pemiliknya. Takut kot bayangkan Tuhan murka, tu baru angin kencang sikit tak terbang lagi. Belum lagi bumi diterbalikkan atau banjir macam tsunami yang horror tu.

Tapi orang tidak beriman mengeluh ,menyumpah dan mengherdik (dalam hati) dengan angin kencang macam ini. Tapi mana ada orang berani menyumpah atau mempermainkan banjir besar Jepun awal tahun ni kecuali seorang kartunis Berita Harian(sebab buat lawak bodoh guna Ultraman) dan seorang isteri Perdana Menteri (sebab bagi buah fikiran dangkal).

Kesimpulannya, buka mata, berfikir dan belajarlah daripada apa yang jadi dalam hidup kita tak kira daripada segi ilmu, vocab, iktibar atau apa-apa jua. Kehidupan.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Penguin yang berasa syahdu

Snow datang lagi. 

Jalan pejalan kaki dan jalan raya penuh dengan ais yang telah keras dan licin. Sebiji macam ais dalam peti sejuk. Terasa diri comel jalan macam penguin atas ais-ais tu sebab nak elakkan daripada jatuh. Tapi takdir telah menentukan aku jatuh juga dalam perjalanan dari rumah ke hospital pagi ni. Nasib baik tiada orang nampak. Yang aku perasaan takdelah.

Mungkin ada dosa yang Allah bermurah hati nak ampunkan bila aku jatuh. Nasib baik seluar tak kotor dan takde
luka apa-apa.

Itulah panahan salji. Memang teringin dan gembira teruja dapat main salji lagi tahun ini, tapi bila salji tu dah keras, terpaksalah seluruh warga Glasgow ni menghadapinya dengan tabah ermasuk nenek2 dan atuk2 osteoporosis yang jalan pun tak stabil. Bukan benda remeh boleh buat gelak goleng.Sekali jatuh boleh patah pinggang,punggung,belakang dan segala-gala tulang yang ada. 

Alhamdulillah banyak juga aku dapat sign hari ini. (Ada benda-benda tertentu yang kena observe dan buat untuk ophthalmology block ni. ).

Balik dari hospital tadi saya buka video clip yang dipos oleh seorang kawan di facebook. Terharu dan syahdu tiba-tiba dengar lirik dia.

::Kami persembahkan jiwa-jiwa kami kepada Allah
::Tiada ketakutan dan kesedihan bagi sesiapa yang diberi petunjuk olehNya
::Talinya kukuh tak akan terlerai
::RezekiNya sentiada ada buat yang memerlukan.

::Di setiap tempat
::di setiap ketika
::DI atas sana ada Tuhan Yang Maha agung memeliharamu
::Di mana jua
::Pada bila-bila masa
::Kau punya Tuhan yang menyayangimu dan tidak pernah melupakanmu

::Adakah kita masih punya takut terhadapNya?
::Adakah kita perasan nikmat Allah kepada kita?
::Adakah kita masih punya takut terhadapNya?
::Adakah kita masih memujiNya?
::Adakah kita sudah melupaiNya?

::Tiada Tuhan selain Allah..

Kalau kita boleh berhenti sejenak dan befikir, mengaitkan segala yang terjadi dalam hidup kita sebagai nikmat daripada Pencipta kita. =)

Monday, 5 December 2011

'Erti hidup pada memberi'-H

'Orang yang hidup untuk dirinya sendiri akan hidup seperti orang yang kerdil dan mati sebagai orang yang kerdil.

Tetapi orang yang hidup bagi orang lain akan hidup sebagai orang 'besar' dan mati sebagai orang yang besar juga.'

-syed qutb-

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Who do you think you are,'John'?

Ouhh pleassee. You dont just meet me in overseas,chat for 3 minutes and suddenly ask me 'Are you a JPA scholar?'. And even ask me how much do I get.

Come on. It is all about courtesy. I never ask people I just meet 'Are you PAMA sponsored?' or worse 'How much your parents give you?'. It is awkward and it shows you are lack of courtesy and don't respect other people. That is exactly what I feel when you ask me. It is like bumping into a stranger in the street, talking about things, knowing he is from country as you and asking him 'so how do you support yourselves?Is someone giving you enough money?'. That is bullshit isn't?

And are you subconsciously seeing people walking around as JPA,MARA, self-sponsored, PET, etc? Labelling other people  proves you are just as lame as those third class minded citizen. They are closed minded and prejudice who love to stereotype and judge to make themselves feel better than the rest. Presuming those people based on their skin colour would draw you to make assumptions and shallow judgement. Yes,there is some conflicts behind those titles but let's not generalise people. I know a lot of people who are brilliant, good and hardworking which I think they really deserve the scholarship. Not because they are brown-coloured skin. They happen to be brown-coloured skin doesn't deny they are merely as good as you. Or probably better than you.

We are here for reasons. If you think you are not treated justly because you think you actually deserve the scholarship, think again. You and me, both are here today. If you deserve that, than you couldn't afford to be here in the first place, we won't know each other and I wont be talking about you at this moment. At the end of the day, you and me share the same dreams. Same ambitions. Same hope. How we get here shouldn't jeopardize our friendship. Corrupt our way of thinking. Limit our potentials. Fool our actions.

Please open your mind and be non prejudice. At least when the moment we meet. Because I always want to know you better regardless of our differences. Because after all we are young, happy persons who want to be better and better everyday. 

Saturday, 3 December 2011

#3:What I think about me

#3. I don't like strawberry.

Be it a fruit, ice cream, chocolate coated strawberry, strawberry jam, cake, biscuit or strawberry flavoured chocolate. I don't mind going for strawberry picking, buying anything with strawberry shape, smell of strawberry or being friend to people who is so in love with strawberry.

Having been fooled by cute shape and sweetness of strawberry by tv commercials for many years (which obviously they have used tonnes of sugar and fake preservative and colouring to make the flavour), I realised the fruit is bit (lot) sour. (Well, I know cocoa fruit is bitter.Not sweet at all since the age of nine because I have tasted it.)