Saturday, 9 June 2012

Hikmah = wisdom.

Baru jek 2-3 bulan lepas terlintas dalam otak aku yang hikmah adelah wisdom. Aku selalu tak faham sangat maksud hikmah. Bila orang cakap 'ade hikmah di sebalik semua ni', aku rasa maksudnye macam ade 'sesuatu sebab yang kita taktau apa dia di sebalik dugaan tu yang mungkin kita hanya tahu beberapa ketika selepas tu'. 

Atau dalam doa sebelum belajar yang kita selalu baca mase sekolah dulu tapi malangnya tidak lagi diamalkan sejak umur meningkat dewasa. 'Ya Allah, bukankan lah dadaku, berikan lah hikmah dan kurniakan sebahagian daripda khazanah dan rahmatMu , Tuhan Yang Pemurah dan Penyayang'. Apekah maksud hikmah di situ? Tidaklah aku mengerti sampailah Allah bagi neuron otak aku connect antara maksud hikmah dan wisdom. 

Oleh kerana sukar untuk faham apa maksud hikmah , unless belajar bahasa Arab mungkin kita boleh faham dengan merungkaikan maksud wisdom. 

Maksud wisdom.

Familiar dengan perkataan wise man? Wisdom selalunya berkadar terus dengan pengalaman. Tapi budak 3 tahun pon boleh dipanggil wise kalau tindakan dan perkataannya adelah wise. 

Lalu apakah yang dikatakan wisdom?

Ada orang mengertikan wisdom adalah perkataan dan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan masa dan orang yang sesuai. 

People can be smart but not necessarily wise. True. But then again it depends how we interpret smart itself. Smart in solving Maths but cannot apply Maths in solving a real life problem. Then it is not wise. 

On the other side, making a smart decision can be interpreted as making a wise decision.

This is the point where theory should meet the practical and it is essential in every field of studies. Because we study so that we can solve problems in real life, for the better humanization.

Perlunya kita berhikmah/ be wise dalam kehidupan harian.

It's always easier to say than be done. Hikmah/ wisdom tidak datang bergolek pada kita, tapi perlu dipetik, digali, dicangkul, dikait, diasah dan dipelajari daripada mana-mana sahaja. Pengalaman, kelas, kuliah, orang, cerita, berita dan percutian. Dan hikmah tidak akan datang pada kita tanpa izin Allah. Sebab tu doa sebelum belajar antaranya mintak Allah berikah hikmah dan rahmatNya, supaya apa yang kita belajar tu dapat kita aplikasikan. 

Wisdom memandu manusia menjadi 'manusia'. Yang punya matlamat dan tujuan hidup, punya cara hidup yang tidak tunggang langgang. Menjadi masyarakat yang bertamadun. 

Semua bermula dari dalam diri. Bermula dari benda kecil seperti urus masa, urus makan, urus kewangan, sampailah kepada benda lebih besar seperti pilih pasangan hidup, kerja, urus keluarga, menyumbang pada masyarakat dan sebagainya.


Understand, speak and act on it. Faham,sebarkan dan buat.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Reflections: Where am I standing at the moment?

As time passes by, I've met a lot of great people,great friends with great visions and missions. I am so grateful that Allah gives me opportunity to meet them. And I long to be part of the groups, to be successful in life, serve the humanity and achieve my purpose of life as Allah asks us to. And to enter Jannah in the end.

It is been 3 months since I last made my new year resolutions and I think I've lost my track due to some circumstances.

1. Have intimate relationship with Allah. I want to be more khusyuk in solat and understand al-quran more and more.

2. Make sure all my ibadah ritual and normal routine is done for the sake of Allah. As mentioned by Ibnu Taimiyyah, ibadah is a 'comprehensive term,encompassing all apparent and hidden acts and statements that are beloved to Allah.'.It means both ritual (solah, zakat,hajj,umrah) and natural actions (sleep, study, work, eat, travelling.etc) are done with niat for Allah.

3. Be good to people and friends around me. The sweetness of iman cant be achieved if I cant love and be good to all people around me regardless things that they have said or done,no matter how big my problem is and whenever and whoever i meet. I hope this is one way of doing dakwa, invite people to Allah and Islam.

4. Be more hardworking, focused, and itqan (bersungguh-sungguh) in my studies. I should spend at least 2 hours of quality time for my studies.

5. Take as much opportunities to get involved in dakwa programme or talk. Meet people of soleh and solehah will help me rejuvenate my faith and relationship with Allah. Help me to get back to where I am supposed to be, being a slave of Allah. To be khalifa and serve the humanity.

6. Get active as much as i can. Focused in whatever I do. Guitar, sports, keyboard.

O Allah, guide us to the right path, the path that You please and redha. Guide us to a great human,as you asks us to be. And guide us from being astray and overwhelmed by this dunia, protect us from being people of useless (khosirin). Amen.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

People come and go with a reason

Nothing is permanent except the change itself. So is, especially our life

Believe it or not,we keep meeting different people in our life. It can be strangers in the street, new neighbour or neighbour that we never meet, batch mate, university mate, etc.

The best thing is when we get to meet someone who can help us to become a better person, find the key to reveal our hidden potentials, boost our confidence and see the world in a brighter way. It so true when Prophet Muhammad reminded us that a good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes, and at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace.” [Bukhari, Muslim]. We get to choose our friend. We are the one who makes the decision for ourselves.

But who ever we meet,  there is surely a reason. The best thing is how we can make the best of it. And most important thing is to treat them in the best way we could. Those who love everyone in this world will be loved by everyone in the heaven. =)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Propofol dan MJ.

Dah 3 minggu aku kat anaesthesia block ,hari-hari tengok orang bagi propofol, sejenis anesthetic drug berwarna putih macam susu yang orang guna dalam operation untuk bagi orang tidur, tak rasa sakit (tapi kena bagi jugak painkiller yang lain) semasa operation dan bagi otot relax sikit.

Propofol ni memang dikira ubat paling bahaya dalam hospital tu. Berfungsi dengan depress sistem pernafasan,jantung dan segala-galanya so that anaesthetic machine bole take over semua sistem tu dan kita boleh monitor kat skrin. Kalau bagi pastu overdose pulak tu kompemla meninggal macam Micheal Jackson. Apa la yang MJ guna propofol dalam rumah tu aku pun tak pasti. Aku pernah ikut sekali jek trial report dia. MJ hire private anaesthetist untuk kera kat rumah agam dia. Tapi kenapa, cari lah kat internet.

Rasa cam cool kerja anaesthetist ni,mungkin satu karier yang aku akan pilih nanti lepas start kerja nanti. Hik